Monday, October 7, 2013

Around the World in 80 meals - results from meal number 7

Ratatouille Niçoise

Veggies all prepped
I have always had a fondness to French food.  I don't know why, I just know that I do.  So when Disney/Pixar produced a movie about French food, I simply had to go.  After I saw the movie, I said that I am going to Ratatouille Niçoise one of these days.  I forgot all about cooking this meal while I was in seminary.  Now that I was trying new dishes, this meal went to the top of my list.

Cooking the veggies
There was only one issue, I have always wanted to make Chicken Cordon Bleu.  I had a hard time deciding on which of the two dishes to make.  So I made the decision the only way I could - I made both dishes.

I made Ratatouille on Friday and the Chicken Cordon Bleu on Saturday, and I made enough food to last me several days.  It wasn't until I had it for the fifth day that I was getting tired of the meal.

I was completely taken back on how delicious the Ratatouille was.  This is now my second favorite dish I have made since starting this project.  I will be bringing this dish to the pot lucks that I go to because it can be served cold.

Dinner time

I believe it was the fresh thyme and  basil that set this dish apart from the rest.  I will say that this dish needs something with it  It is missing something if it is served just by itself.


Chicken ready to be cook
The recipe we used for the Ratatouille is, and I found it strange that Emeril Lagasse could create a recipe that was so easy to follow.  The Chicken Cordon Bleu recipe ( was also from  Emeril Lagasse, and this recipe was like the other Emeril recipes I have attempt to follow

Cooking the chicken
I will make this dish again, but not just for myself.  It is too much work for just one person.  Because I could not find Bethmale cheese, I used the same cheese that I used for the Mornay Sauce (  I will also bake the chicken next time instead of pan frying.  I will also double up on the proscuitto and use a different cheese (like provolone).


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