Monday, October 28, 2013

Around the World in 80 meals - meal number 10 results - Palov


 Well, this was a total bust!  It looked simple to make, and it was.  While it was easy to make, it simply did not have any flavor.  It was one of the most bland meals I have consumed in a very long time.

I attempted to give it some flavor, I mixed some of my left over Brazilian Black Bean Stew.  This helped, but it didn't helped that much.

I then tried to add some salsa to the dish to give it some flavor, and this was better than the Brazilian Black Bean Stew.  I then tried it with some ketchup (1 cup of ketchup and 2 cups of Palov), and this wasn't bad at all.

My next attempt to make this dish palpable, I added a couple of tablespoons of Emeril's Creole Seasoning that I had left over from the Chicken Cordon Bleu.  This actually made the meal taste good.

You could say that I will not be making this meal again.  You can see the recipe that I used here:

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