Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Results from meal number 2

Boerenkool Stamppot (Kale Hash)

Well, all I am going to say is that meal number two  was not a hit and it was not a miss.  When I was reading up on stamppot, I came to the conclusion that when the people in Netherlands make soup, they do not use beef or chicken broth.  Instead, they use mash potatoes in place of broth.   The stamppot wasn’t bad, just bland.  After adding some salt and a lot of pepper, it wasn’t bad.

With the leftovers, I converted the stamppot into a crispy mashed potato pancakes by added eggs, milk, flour, pepper, abodo seasoning, and some chives.  While it didn’t look that good, it did taste better than it looked and better than the stamppot.

I did follow the recipe closely.  The only thing that I did different is that I used red potatoes so that I did not have to peel them.  I also just tossed the bag of kale into the mixture.  I didn’t take out the large stems, and let us say that gave a few bites a little extra crunch.

Overall, I will say that I will not make this recipe again.  I might try a different recipe for stamppot, one with more seasoning/ingredients so that it will have more of a flavor.

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