Friday, July 12, 2013

Results from meal number 3

Spicy Basil Chicken – Gkai Pad Gkaprow

When I was looking at the ingredients for this recipe, I was wondering how this could not be a hit.  And it was!!!!  I like chicken, I like basil, I like spicy food, and this recipe has all three.  While there is a lot of chopping, dicing, and slicing involved with this meal, it is well worth the time.

I followed the recipe fairly close.  The only changes that I made were (1) I used olive oil.  This is because I only use olive oil when I cook.  (2) I used chicken breast instead of thighs because that is what I had in my freezer.  (3) Because the frozen chicken was a three pound package, I tripled the amounts that I used.

I served this dish over rice.  The white chicken and the white rice made the dish look somewhat boring.  The only color the dish had come from the basil and from the peppers.  The next time I cook the meal I will use more basil so that it will have more color.  What was also missing was a cold beer.  Because I was on-call for the St. Joseph hospitals, I drank a diet coke with the meal.  It was okay, but a cold beer would have been better.

I will also say that this dish had a good amount of heat.  I used about 30 Thai chilies, and they gave the meal a good deal of spice.  The peppers did not make my nose run, my eyes cry, or simply sweat.  Still, I believe the dish would be too spicy for most people.

Again, I will be making this dish again, and the recipe can be found at:

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