Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Around the World in 80 meals (meal number 10) Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan's Palov

I was on my way to work the other day, and I was listening to Morning Edition on WUSF.  They were doing an article on how Russia is now exporting immigrants (who they used to build the stadiums and infrastructure for the 2014 Winter Olympics) back to their home country against their will once they have completed their work project.

One of the countries that they mentioned during this article was Uzbekistan, and this got me wondering on what do people from Uzbekistan eat?

Therefore, I thought I would cook a Uzbekistan meal as way to honor the people who worked to build the items for the 2014 Olympics and who are now being kicked out the country that is hosting the Olympics.

After doing some research, I decided to cook Palov because it looks like a simple and tasty dish.

Bon Appetit

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