Sunday, October 6, 2013

Around the World in 80 meals - results from meal number 6

Shepherd's Pie   

I got real excited for meal number 6.  My nephew came up with a very cool ideal.  Instead of going someplace, he decided that we needed to go back into time to have a meal that Shakespeare would have consumed.  So we fired up the DeLorean, engaged the flux capacitor, set the time circuit to 1602, and got the Delorean up to 88 miles per hour.
Because of the time that has passed between the time I am writing this post and the time I cooked the meal, I do not remember a lot.  It was good, and I will make it again.  I am not sure if it was the meat that I used (had a gamey taste, and I thought that it was odd) or something else, but I think my dish would have tasted better using beef instead of lamb.

I did wish that I had more potatoes, so the next time I make this I will double the amount of potatoes.

The recipe came from the Food Network (

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